Print, Media and Advertising Industries

Easily organise your complete workflow from new adverts, search back issues, classifieds, history of accounts, production and users



Core, is a powerful, web-based application that provides a Booking Engine and Customer Marketing System for your Sales Force..

The system is designed to be modular so you can choose the features you require. As a web-based application there are no high per-user client licences to pay.

Main Benefits:

  • On line browser based - A Web-based business application with features that give users the ability to remain in touch with operations at all times from anywhere in the world
  • No software to install - No client software licences. Virtually unlimited users
  • Real Time Information - joins together all relevant employees in a network which gives real-time information on the status of ad bookings, accounts and production.
  • More user friendly
  • Full reporting function

Core Classifieds

Core Classifieds is our powerful Classifieds Adverts system that can be used on its own or as an add-on module to Core Advert Management


  • Booking for Lineage, Display and InMemoriam/Death Notices
  • Visual Preview of the advert as its being typed
  • Fully customisable Rates
  • Ability to handle PO Box Numbering, Advert Borders etc
  • Integrated to ClassForce for Classified Page Layout.

Designed to suit your needs

With Core, there are no per-user licence fees, so your staff can grow without hitting your pocket on expensive extras.

You decide the modules you require, and how many publications you need to support.

With web browser access, your staff can work from any location, and keep your workflow up to date.

  • ROP Advert Booking
  • Display Classifieds
  • Lineage Classifieds
  • Acknowledgements
  • In Memoriams
  • Runsheet export
  • Invoice export
  • Full Administration


"Since installing Core, our sales process has dramatically improved. Sales people spend less time on order entry and more time selling thanks to its rapid speed. Our credit division control the process better and with instant real-time reporting we reduced debtors by 25%, boosting net cash flow and profits."

Mission Statement : Our main aim is to develop software solutions for our customers which improve productivity and better work practises. Creating browser based solutions for sales and supply of services. The products are designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency across existing newspaper networks.

Why Choose Core?

  • Save Time & Money...

    With Core, booking in Adverts is fast and hassle free so your staff have more time to sell. Accounts can decide on credit and hold adverts waiting on payment.

  • Core Features

    Core is the perfect tool to link your Accounts, Sales and Production into one central Booking Engine that is accessible to any user with a web browser.

  • Help & Support

    Our support contracts include all updates for any modules that you have purchased going forward. As Core is a Server Application, there are no client updates.

  • Suitable For

    Newspaper, Magazines, Agencies, Radio Stations, Classified Listings & TV Stations. It is ideal for multi-publication and multi-location setups.

  • No Limits

    Core can scale to suit the size of any organisation. No Per User fees, Multi-Publication, Cross Platform, fully customisable with per-user settings.

Sreenshots & Demos

Our Flagship Product provides an expert Advert Booking System for the News and Print Industry. Core is a web-app which we can host for you or can be installed on an in-house server for speed and increased security. Our goal with Core is to link directly with your Accounts System and Production/Workflow System. This means that only one client listing needs to be maintained. It also gives Accounts full control of the booking process so certain client accounts can be put on hold if needed.